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Principles of Applying Therapeutic massage

Therapeutic massage has a lot of benefits including Physiological and Anatomical. Generally, the application of any massage stroke involves six elements or considerations, which are depth, speed, rhythm, duration, direction, and frequency. All aspects are included in Principles of Giving Therapeutic massage. Principles of Applying Therapeutic massage Beginning massage therapists will have to consciously work at incorporating these considerations into their massage. With practice and experience, however, these considerations will become second nature, and the mechanical feeling will evolve into one of fluidity.  Depth  Depth or depth of pressure is the amount of force a stroke applies to the tissue. Regardless of what implement is used (thumb, the heel of the hand, or forearm), the amount of force you apply to the tissue depends on the desired result. If the stroke is performed with the intent of spreading lubricant, the depth of pressure will be less penetrating than if the intent is t

Can Physiotherapy help in COVID-19?

Physiotherapists (Physical Therapists) and other clinicians often have direct contact with patients, which makes them susceptible to the transmission of infectious diseases. Physiotherapists are also often first contact practitioners, which means that they are in a position to take responsibility for the early identification of infectious disease and/or managing workload in primary care settings. Key considerations: Stay current - Ensure that you are well-read on current COVID-19 guidance. The WHO and the CDC have good evolving resources, also check with your local authority. Stay calm - Have an objective view of the crisis we are facing. People, for example, staff and patients, may look to you as a leader to provide information to help them make decisions and also provide reassurance that we can take care of them at this time of need. Minimize exposure in your setting - review infection prevention and control (IPC) guidelines, practice social distancing, implement tria

Therapeutic massage in Physiotherapy- Types Effect and uses

Therapeutic massage in Physiotherapy- Types Effect and uses  

Can a person with Sprengel shoulders build muscles of Back and arm?

Sprengel deformity is a congenital condition that is characterized by abnormal shoulder blade development and elevation (scapula). Can a person with Sprengel's shoulders build muscles? The answer to this question is quite complicated, before that let's overcome what is  Sprengel's deformity?  It is a rare congenital skeletal abnormality (also known as high scapula or congenital high scapula) where a person has one shoulder blade that sits higher on the back than the other. When covered with clothes, severity can range considerably from being almost invisible to the shoulder being raised over 5 centimeters, with neck webbing. Treatment includes early childhood operations and physical therapy.  The risk of nerve damage when removing the omovertebral bone and when stretching the muscle tissue during shoulder relocation complicates surgical treatment in adulthood. Diagnosis is clinical, and instrumental diagnostics such as conventional radiography and CT scan can confirm it.  

How playing different games make your muscles strong?

Participation in regular exercise or training for six weeks, around three times a week will lead to the adaptation of body systems that are used or trained. In that type of exercise or sport, this has the effect of increasing performance and is often beneficial for general health and everyday life.  How playing different games make your muscles strong?   The Answer is When you are participating in various playing activities your entire human body systems take part in it either fully or partially. but when it comes to muscles and strength let's see what effect you will have after exercising in long run. Long term effects of exercise Cardiovascular system: Cardiac hypertrophy; increased stroke volume (SV); decrease in resting heart rate (HR); increase in maximum cardiac output (Q); capitalization at the lungs and muscles; increase in the number of red blood cells Respiratory system: Increased number of functioning alveoli; increased strength of the respiratory muscles Energy system:

Happy Diwali 2021-India's Famous Festival of Lights

I wish you ALL a very Happy and peaceful Diwali, May God accept your good deeds, Forgive your transgressions and ease, The suffering of all peoples around the globe. India's Famous Festival of Lights HAPPY DIWALI 2021 Happy Diwali 

Classification of Activities in Day to day life

Activities are classified as light, moderate, or heavy according to the energy expended or the oxygen consumed while accomplishing them. Light work for the average male (65 kg) requires 2.0 to 4.9 kcal/min, or 6.1 to 15.2 mL O2/kg per minute, or 1.6 to 3.9 METs. Strolling 1.6 km/hr, or 1.0 mph, is considered light work. Heavy work for the average male (65 kg) requires 7.5 to 9.9 kcal/min, or 23.0 to 30.6 mL O2/kg per minute, or 6.0 to 7.9 METs. Jogging 8.0 km/hr, or 5.0 mph, requires 25 to 28 mL O2/kg per minute and is considered heavy work. The energy expended is equivalent to 8 to 10 kcal/min, or 7 to 8 METs. The energy expenditure necessary for most industrial jobs requires more than three times the energy expenditure at rest. Energy expenditure of certain physical activities can vary, depending on factors such as skill, pace, and fitness level. The average individual engaged in normal daily tasks expends 1800 to 3000 kcal per day. Athletes engaged in intense training can use more