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Want to know about ULTT or ULNT??

What is ULNT?? Upper limb Neurodynamic (Tension) Tests The neurodynamic tests of the upper limbs are analogous to the lumbar spine's straight leg raising test. In reality, stress is placed on all the tissues of the upper limb during these tension tests, which are meant to stretch the neurological structures of the upper limb. It is also known as Brachial Plexus Tension or Elvey Test . Sensitizing tests are used to distinguish between the neurological tissue. Elvey's original test has since been divided into four tests. Changing the position of the shoulder, elbow, forearm, wrist, and fingers puts more strain on particular nerves. Each test starts with testing the good side, followed by positioning of the shoulder, then moves on to the forearm, wrist, fingers, and, due to its extensive range of motion (ROM), the elbow at last. It is crucial to apply a constant depression force to the shoulder girdle when positioning the shoulder so that, even with abduction, the shoulder girdle