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Showing posts with the label Strength

Fun Facts About Bones and Joints

Your skeletal system is equivalent to bricks in a home. Your body is intended to do a variety of incredible things, from sprinting to giving birth, if you have a strong foundation. Learn about the skeletal system, including some interesting facts about the bones, cartilage, and ligaments that make up your skeleton.

How playing different games make your muscles strong?

Participation in regular exercise or training for six weeks, around three times a week will lead to the adaptation of body systems that are used or trained. In that type of exercise or sport, this has the effect of increasing performance and is often beneficial for general health and everyday life.  How playing different games make your muscles strong?   The Answer is When you are participating in various playing activities your entire human body systems take part in it either fully or partially. but when it comes to muscles and strength let's see what effect you will have after exercising in long run. Long term effects of exercise Cardiovascular system: Cardiac hypertrophy; increased stroke volume (SV); decrease in resting heart rate (HR); increase in maximum cardiac output (Q); capitalization at the lungs and muscles; increase in the number of red blood cells Respiratory system: Increased number of functioning alveoli; increased strength of the respiratory muscles Energy system: