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17 Anatomical Movements in Human Body

Flexion The movement that Reduces the angle between the articular surface and ending in nature. Example., Elbow flexion.    hyperflexion  is excessive flexion at a joint. Hyperextension injuries are common at hinge joints such as the knee or elbow. Extension Stretching movement and opposite to flexion which is Increase the angle between the articular surface. Example., Elbow Extension  Hyperextension  is the abnormal or excessive extension of a joint beyond its normal range of motion, thus resulting in injury. Abduction A movement where bony Segments move away from the midline.  Adduction A movement where bony Segments move towards the midline. Abduction  and  adduction  motions occur within the coronal plane and involve medial-lateral motions of the limbs, fingers, toes, or thumb. Abduction moves the limb laterally away from the midline of the body, while adduction is the opposing movement that brings the limb toward the body or across the midline. For example, abduction is raising th