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Showing posts with the label Anterior/apprehension release (“surprise”) test

Anterior/apprehension release OR surprise test | Shoulder

Purpose of Test: To assess for anterior instability of the glenohumeral joint capsule. Test Position : Supine Procedure: The examiner flexes the patient’s elbow to 90 degrees and abducts their shoulder to 90 degrees. The examiner then slowly externally rotates the patient’s shoulder. The test is considered positive if the patient demonstrates apprehension during shoulder external rotation. Apprehension-Relocation method : The examiner flexes the patient’s elbow to 90 degrees and abducts their shoulder to 90 degrees. The examiner then slowly externally rotates the patient’s shoulder. If the patient experiences apprehension during external rotation, the examiners places a firm hand over the anterior shoulder, increasing shoulder stability. The examiner again applies an external rotation force to the shoulder. If the patient has apprehension during the first external rotation and no apprehension during the second external rotation, it is considered a positive test. Imp