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Showing posts with the label Ankle Sprain

Classification of Ankle Sprains And Healing Process

An ankle Sprain is the commonest injury in the leg we have, Regardless of whether the lateral or medial ligaments are injured, the severity of an ankle sprain is typically placed into one of three grades based on the amount of ligamentous damaged or bruised. The degree of tissue damage, the amount of joint laxity, and the extent of dysfunction increase with each increase in grade. we can classify the ankle sprain into three grades : Grade I ankle sprains result in a stretching of the ligamentous fibers and are considered minor sprains. there is Stretching of ligaments, anterior talofibular ligament usually the one who gets stretched in an ankle sprain. there will be Point tenderness and Limited dysfunction. No laxity will be present at the joint. the patient will be able to bear full weight and Little to no edema will be there. Grade II ankle sprains result in partial tearing of the ligamentous fibers and are considered to be moderate sprains. there will be Part