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Showing posts with the label Acute Ankle Sprain

Treatment and Rehabilitation Protocol for Acute Ankle Sprain

Even something as common as a slightly sprained ankle requires therapy. Nearly every athlete or active person will at some point need physical therapy (PT) , which is the rehabilitation of an injury. Don’t shake your head. It doesn’t have to be a major injury, such as a broken bone. Even something as common as a slightly sprained ankle requires therapy. Ankle Sprains are among the most common in the lower limbs. It is usually caused by a low-velocity trauma such as twisting injuries, falls, car accidents and injuries related to sports activities. the ankle is one of the most complex joints in the human body in the lower limb as per anatomy. It has numerous bones, ligaments, and tendons. It’s definitely worth some research. Type “anatomy of the human ankle” into a search engine and you may be surprised at what you learn. For our purposes, let’s follow the timeline of a sprained ankle without PT. You first realize something is wrong with your ankle after an activity. Y...