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Pectineus Muscle

The adductor muscles refer to five muscles which are pectineus , gracilis, adductor longus, adductor brevis, and adductor Magnus.  pectineus is flat muscle, which is quadrangular in shape and positioned anteriorly in the thigh. it is also sometimes referred to as a most anterior adductor of the hip. Origin of Pectineus Pectineus originates from a pectineal line of the pubis. Insertion Origin of Pectineus Pectineus is inserted on inferior from lesser trochanter to linea aspera. Action Origin of Pectineus Pectineus is responsible for adduction, flexion & medial rotation thigh . Nerve Supply Pectineus is supplied by Femoral & obturator nerve combined. Arterial Supply Pectineus muscle is blood supplied by Medial circumflex femoral branch of the femoral artery and obturator artery.

Iliopsoas Iliacus and Iliopsoas Psoas major | Thigh Movers

Iliopsoas Iliacus also is known as the iliopsoas(Iliopsoas Iliacus + Iliopsoas Psoas major). this refers as two muscles which are separate in the abdomen but merges while inserted and thus known as the joint iliopsoas. Origin of the iliopsoas Iliopsoas originates from iliac fossa & crest, lateral sacrum separately. Iliopsoas Psoas major Originates from transverse processes of L1-L5, bodies & discs of T12-L5. Insertion of the iliopsoas The iliopsoas is inserted on the lesser trochanter of the femur as one tendon. The action of the iliopsoas The iliopsoas( Iliopsoas Iliacus + Iliopsoas Psoas major ) is the prime mover of thigh flexion.iliopsoas is also responsible for lateral flexion of the vertebral column(psoas). Nerve Supply of the iliopsoas The iliopsoas is supplied with Femoral nerve (L2-L4) (Iliacus), Anterior rami of sacral plexus (L1-L3 ) (Psoas major). Ili