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Showing posts with the label Contraindications to Stretching

What is stretching? How to stretch properly ?

Stretching is a form of physical exercise   which helps you to increase flexibility in means of mobility-related to Muscle. A physiotherapist uses stretching as a manipulative technic to increase the flexibility of muscles.  What stretching actually does to your body?  Longer immobilization can result in contracture, and sometimes it becomes irreversible. so stretching helps to maintain and develop flexibility for a prolonged period of time. Is it OK to stretch every day?   Stretching works on the flexibility principle and it is totally okay to stretch every day, but at least you should know about proper stretching techniques and it should be done in the proper way. so that it becomes effective. Keep In Mind that doing hard stretches on the rough or uneven floors can damage your Muscle or can cause Pain in joints also. make sure that you are doing Stretching on a Yoga mat or Firm Surface that is Good for your body and Not causing any pain. What is Selective Stretching? Selective