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Benefits of vitamin B12, dietary sources, and deficiency symptoms

Vitamin B12 is an important nutrient found in meat, fish, and dairy products. It may also be manufactured in a laboratory and is frequently combined with other B vitamins. Many components of the body, including the brain, nerves, and blood cells, require vitamin B12 for proper function and growth. The active form of vitamin B12 is methylcobalamin. The most frequent kind used in supplements is cyanocobalamin, which must be converted by the body into an active form. Vitamin B12 is widely used to treat vitamin B12 deficiency, cyanide poisoning, and excessive blood homocysteine levels. It's also claimed to treat canker sores, cataracts, Alzheimer's disease, osteoporosis, weariness, and a variety of other ailments, although most of these claims lack scientific backing. The B vitamin B12 is very significant. It is necessary for nerve tissue health, brain function, and red blood cell synthesis. Vitamin B12 is also known as cobalamin. When vitamin B12 levels are insufficient to satis

Why Is It Difficult for Women to Lose Weight? And What Can Be Done About It

I'll never understand how god-awful weight loss for women must be if I live forever. The list of challenges they encounter is so broad that it's hard to pick just a handful. Why Is It Difficult for Women to Lose Weight? And What Can Be Done About It So, ladies, here we go. Nonetheless, I came up with four reasons why losing weight is more difficult for women. Not only that, but I'll also advise you how to deal with them so you can lose weight faster. 1. Women have less muscle mass and hence burn fewer calories. Because women have less muscle and overall body mass than males, they burn fewer calories at rest and during activity. That's why you don't receive as much food as, say, I do. To lose weight, most women will need to consume less than 2,000 calories per day. This implies you have a lower "budget" to include "fun" items like Snickers in your diet. Controlling hunger might be difficult as well. You also don't get to drink and dine out as

Everything About Carbohydrates !

For many athletes and fitness enthusiasts alike, carbohydrates are a source of confusion; some believe they should avoid pasta, bagels, juice, bananas, sugar ... the list goes on. In reality, people who are physically inactive and whose bodies do not readily metabolize carbohydrates may need to take a different approach compared to regular exercisers and athletes to consume carbohydrates. Here's some information to help solve confusion about carbohydrates.

10 tips to loose weight in smart way- A fair Opinion by dietitian !

When was the last time you went to a dietitian for advice? If you’re like most people, you could turn to friends or family for advice on weight loss, starting a new diet, or improving your personal nutrition. However, this can add to your frustration and anxiety about the choices you make in order to maintain a healthy weight. Tip 1: Don’t just think about losing weight. Concentrate on eating a balanced diet. “People should concentrate on their wellbeing rather than their weight. The easiest way to achieve a balanced body composition is to eat well and maintain an active lifestyle. Maintain your emphasis on maintaining a nutritious, balanced diet and exercising to develop or maintain muscle mass – and continuing to live a healthy lifestyle for the rest of your life.” Tip 2: During your weight loss process, set and celebrate milestones. “Celebrating and achievement is critical to your weight loss efforts because it reminds you of how far you’ve come rather than how far you always have t

The 9 Simple Rules For Losing Weight Efficiently—Habits that will change your life and your body

Obesity is on the rise, and people are living more sedentary lives . It is not difficult to lose weight. You simply need to develop the proper habits to assist you in losing weight. If you're looking for a way to lose 20 pounds in two weeks, you've come to the wrong place. Continue reading if you want to learn about strategies that are both sustainable and realistic. Here are nine simple guidelines to help you lose weight. 1. Consume twice as much protein as you weigh. Protein has been shown to be extremely effective for weight loss and improving body composition in studies. Abbzorb Nutrition Raw+ Whey Isolate 90% 29.7g Protein 7.4g Eating more Protein than twice your body weight in kilograms can help you burn more fat and improve your metabolism. If you weigh 60 kilograms, you should consume at least 120 grams of protein . Protein appears to have a thermic effect, according to science. As a result, it may assist you in burning more calories while sleeping. Protein is als

How sugar affects your body?

Sugar consumption affects organs throughout the body, including the liver & heart. It increases your risk of disease. It can affect your thought processes. It can even affect the appearance of your skin. Sugar messes with your functioning from head to toe- from a minor annoyance to life-threatening health conditions.  When you consume too much sugar, the extra insulin in your bloodstream can cause problems with your arteries throughout your body. It causes their walls to become inflamed, thicker than normal, and stiffer, which stresses and damages your heart over time. Heart disease, such as heart failure, heart attacks, and strokes, can result as a result of this. Here are 8 reasons why eating too much sugar is bad for health. 1.Effect on your brain:  Sugar has the potential to be addictive & could cause neurochemical changes in the brain. When we eat sweet foods the brain’s reward system – called the mesolimbic dopamine system- gets activated. Dopamine is a brain chemical r

Getting The Most Out Of Your Smart devices during workout !

Wearable technology is becoming more accessible and more usable than ever before. There are many different types, such as smartwatches (like your Brand new watch 😏 ), step trackers, heart rate monitors, sleep sensors( In smartwatches), calorie trackers, and assistants for workouts. A characteristic of heart rate monitoring is something that many of them have in common. Apple Watch Series 6 Heart rate can be a very useful tool for tracking cardiovascular health not only during a workout but also overall. You've probably heard, among other terms, terms like " target heart rate ," " resting heart rate ," and " maximum heart rate " but what does that mean? With our current technology, the good news is, all of these will be calculated for you, but it might be wise to know more about them to use them for your benefit.  even advanced watches like the Apple watch ( Recent Series) also Comes with an  EMG-Electro cardiogram.  That is advance in real-t


PCOS is one of the most complex medical condition around, and unfortunately it isn’t well understood. As a result, women with PCOS aren’t receiving the information that they need to take control of their lives. Instead, they are given the advice to "Just lose weight"  or to take birth control medication. WHAT IS PCOS? PCOS (Polycystic ovary syndrome) is a hormonal disorder common among women of reproductive age. It causes enlarged ovaries with small cysts on the outer edges. Women with PCOS may have infrequent or prolonged menstrual periods or excess Male hormone(Androgen) levels. Normally the ovaries make huge amount of female sex hormones and small amount of male sex hormones. This helps regulate normal development of egg in the ovaries during each menstrual cycle. In PCOS these hormones get imbalanced and they start making slightly more androgens (male hormones). This causes complete or partial stoppage of ovulation, acne, Hirsutism, and other symptoms.  In PCOS, eggs o

How to start eating healthy?

Healthy nutrition is critical for your long-term survival. A well-balanced diet is essential to staying in shape. You'll feel very clear, balanced, and aware. If you start these healthy eating habits, you will learn to appreciate your body and prevent health problems. This is for those who have tried and failed to start eating healthily, or for those who simply don't know where to begin. #stayfitwithanand This, in my opinion, will be the most effective method to begin eating healthily and keep on track in the future. I'm going to show you a really simple, efficient technique to make this new healthy eating habit easy to adapt and sustain. When you decide to start eating healthier, the first thing you should do is list all of the good and nutritious meals you enjoy. It will be a lot simpler if you eat the foods you enjoy rather than trying a new diet or following someone else's meal plan when you don't like the stuff you're eating. I am Vegan, There are plenty of

Why Apple Watch is the ultimate device for a healthy life.

Apple Watch can do what your other devices can’t because it’s on your wrist. When you wear it, you get a fitness partner that measures all the ways you move, meaningful health insights, and a connection to the people and things you care about most. And it’s always just a glance away. 

How to Turn Injury into 'Win-jury'?

I was working on pushup variations this past weekend when I went a little too far and severely strained my shoulder muscle. let's put this thing away, I am already sitting with icepacks on my shoulders while working on this blog, 

Why Physiotherapist Love Resistance bands over Dumbbell or Barbell?

Recently I ordered the Resistance band of one of the famous bands, Thera bands for myself from Amazon . Personally, I choose the Resistance band over any other resistance equipment. Many of us have learned to appreciate resistance bands as a result of the pandemic.  Why Physiotherapist Love Resistance bands over Dumbbell or Barbell? They don't appear to be very promising, but they're a good alternative for dumbbells and barbells. The advantage of resistance bands overweights is as follows. So What is the Benefit of the Resistance band in Physiotherapy? in this post we are going to learn every possible aspect of the resistance band. before that let's understand, What is a resistance band and how Resistance band works? Resistance bands, like any other piece of exercise equipment, can be customized to fit your specific exercise/rehab program. Different bands, like dumbbells or other weighted exercise equipment, provide a range of resistance levels to the user. The res