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Showing posts with the label Chronic pain

Role of Physiotherapy in Chronic Pain Management

How Physiotherapist deals with Chronic pain? Since physiotherapy offers a thorough and multifaceted approach to addressing the underlying causes of pain and enhancing a patient's general well-being, it plays a crucial role in the management of chronic pain.  The main components of physiotherapy's function in the treatment of chronic pain are as follows: Assessment & Diagnosis Physiotherapists are qualified to evaluate and identify musculoskeletal and neuromuscular disorders that cause chronic pain.  They identify the cause of pain and establish the factors influencing its persistence through a thorough evaluation that may include history-taking, physical exams, and occasionally imaging studies. Making an individualized treatment plan is aided by this assessment. Pain education & empowerment Informing patients about their pain condition is one of the physiotherapists' main responsibilities. They describe the mechanisms underlying pain, the variables that affect its i