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What is Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness?

Have you ever wondered if the unbelievable pain you feel after a workout is a sign of a good workout or a sign that you've overdone it? The truth, however, lies somewhere in the middle.  While some fitness enthusiasts wear their soreness as a badge of honor, others rarely feel anything the next day. Both outcomes are perfectly normal and reasonable.  So, what exactly is it that causes this? Does it really make a difference? The answer is yes, but It is complicated, and there is a lot of Misconceptions about Delayed onset muscle Soreness . Here, we are Going to Discuss that. Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness The soreness you feel after a workout is called Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness, or DOMS for short. While discomfort is the most noticeable feature of DOMS, reduced motion range, joint stiffness, and decreased muscle strength are also common. DOMS affects some people immediately and lasts for days, while it affects others one to two days after a workout and is only temporary. ( We'