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Showing posts with the label Wearable Technology

Getting The Most Out Of Your Smart devices during workout !

Wearable technology is becoming more accessible and more usable than ever before. There are many different types, such as smartwatches (like your Brand new watch 😏 ), step trackers, heart rate monitors, sleep sensors( In smartwatches), calorie trackers, and assistants for workouts. A characteristic of heart rate monitoring is something that many of them have in common. Apple Watch Series 6 Heart rate can be a very useful tool for tracking cardiovascular health not only during a workout but also overall. You've probably heard, among other terms, terms like " target heart rate ," " resting heart rate ," and " maximum heart rate " but what does that mean? With our current technology, the good news is, all of these will be calculated for you, but it might be wise to know more about them to use them for your benefit.  even advanced watches like the Apple watch ( Recent Series) also Comes with an  EMG-Electro cardiogram.  That is advance in real-t