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Showing posts with the label Quadriceps Muscles

Quadriceps group of muscles in human body

 the quadriceps muscle is consist of four muscle 1.    -rectus femoris -vastus intermedius -vastus medialis -vastus lateralis  These four large anterior thigh muscles insert below the knee and act to extend the knee joint. the three vast lie deep to the rectus femoris and two have their origins on the posterior femur. the rectus femoris originates on the pelvis and thereby can act to flex the hip. 1.rectus femoris Origin -long head: anterior inferior iliac spine                short head: upper margin of the acetabulum Insertion -patella and via patellar ligament to tibial tuberosity Nerve supply -femoral nerve (l2,3,4) Blood supply -lateral femoral circumflex artery Action -Extention of knee                assist flexion of femur at hip The palpation-anterior surface of the thigh during active knee extensio...