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Showing posts with the label repetition maximum

What is Repetition Maximum ?

One method of measuring the effectiveness of a resistance exercise program and calculating an appropriate exercise load for training is to determine a repetition maximum. This term was first reported decades ago by DeLorme in his investigations of an approach to resistance training called progressive resistive exercise (PRE).  A repetition maximum (RM) is defined as the greatest amount of weight (load) a muscle can move through the full, available ROM with control a specific number of times before fatiguing. Use of a repetition maximum.  There are two main reasons for determining a repetition maximum: To document a baseline measurement of the dynamic strength of a muscle or muscle group against which exercise-induced improvements in strength can be compared, To identify an initial exercise load (amount of weight) to be used during exercise for a specified number of repetitions. DeLorme reported use of a 1-RM (the greatest amount of weight a subject can move through the availa