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Showing posts with the label Diet

Nutrition-cornerstone of good health | Fast&Up

The COVID-19 pandemic is posing serious productivity and developmental risks around the world. There is no cure for the condition at this time. To stop the virus from spreading, new measures must be developed. A particular Coronavirus causes COVID-19 (SARS-CoV 2). Coronaviruses are largely responsible for enzootic illnesses in animals, but they can also infect humans. SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) was first reported in 2002. In 2012, the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) was diagnosed and both Zoonotic Infections SARS, MERS, and COVID-19 epidemics show how dangerous Coronaviruses can be when they infect humans and overcome the species barrier.

10 tips to loose weight in smart way- A fair Opinion by dietitian !

When was the last time you went to a dietitian for advice? If you’re like most people, you could turn to friends or family for advice on weight loss, starting a new diet, or improving your personal nutrition. However, this can add to your frustration and anxiety about the choices you make in order to maintain a healthy weight. Tip 1: Don’t just think about losing weight. Concentrate on eating a balanced diet. “People should concentrate on their wellbeing rather than their weight. The easiest way to achieve a balanced body composition is to eat well and maintain an active lifestyle. Maintain your emphasis on maintaining a nutritious, balanced diet and exercising to develop or maintain muscle mass – and continuing to live a healthy lifestyle for the rest of your life.” Tip 2: During your weight loss process, set and celebrate milestones. “Celebrating and achievement is critical to your weight loss efforts because it reminds you of how far you’ve come rather than how far you always have t

How to start eating healthy?

Healthy nutrition is critical for your long-term survival. A well-balanced diet is essential to staying in shape. You'll feel very clear, balanced, and aware. If you start these healthy eating habits, you will learn to appreciate your body and prevent health problems. This is for those who have tried and failed to start eating healthily, or for those who simply don't know where to begin. #stayfitwithanand This, in my opinion, will be the most effective method to begin eating healthily and keep on track in the future. I'm going to show you a really simple, efficient technique to make this new healthy eating habit easy to adapt and sustain. When you decide to start eating healthier, the first thing you should do is list all of the good and nutritious meals you enjoy. It will be a lot simpler if you eat the foods you enjoy rather than trying a new diet or following someone else's meal plan when you don't like the stuff you're eating. I am Vegan, There are plenty of