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Happy Diwali 2021-India's Famous Festival of Lights

I wish you ALL a very Happy and peaceful Diwali, May God accept your good deeds, Forgive your transgressions and ease, The suffering of all peoples around the globe. India's Famous Festival of Lights HAPPY DIWALI 2021 Happy Diwali 

Classification of Activities in Day to day life

Activities are classified as light, moderate, or heavy according to the energy expended or the oxygen consumed while accomplishing them. Light work for the average male (65 kg) requires 2.0 to 4.9 kcal/min, or 6.1 to 15.2 mL O2/kg per minute, or 1.6 to 3.9 METs. Strolling 1.6 km/hr, or 1.0 mph, is considered light work. Heavy work for the average male (65 kg) requires 7.5 to 9.9 kcal/min, or 23.0 to 30.6 mL O2/kg per minute, or 6.0 to 7.9 METs. Jogging 8.0 km/hr, or 5.0 mph, requires 25 to 28 mL O2/kg per minute and is considered heavy work. The energy expended is equivalent to 8 to 10 kcal/min, or 7 to 8 METs. The energy expenditure necessary for most industrial jobs requires more than three times the energy expenditure at rest. Energy expenditure of certain physical activities can vary, depending on factors such as skill, pace, and fitness level. The average individual engaged in normal daily tasks expends 1800 to 3000 kcal per day. Athletes engaged in intense training can use more