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What is Chondromalacia patella- causes, symptoms, and 10 best exercises

What does the Chondromalacia patellae mean? The cartilage on the patella's underside softens and degenerates when a person has a chondromalacia patellae (kneecap). Patellofemoral syndrome and anterior knee pain syndrome are other names for it. Typically, this condition makes the upper part of the knee painful and tender, especially when squatting, kneeling, or stair climbing. Especially among young adults, sportspersons, and people who engage in repetitive knee movements, chondromalacia patella is a significant source of knee pain. Usually, arthroscopy, physical examination, and imaging tests like X-rays or MRI are used to make the diagnosis. Rest, physical therapy, anti-inflammatory drugs, and in some cases, surgery, may all be part of the treatment plan. Relevant anatomy: The knee joint, which joins the femur (thigh bone) to the tibia (shin bone), is a complicated hinge joint. It is the body's largest joint and is crucial for weight-bearing activities. The knee joint is mad

What is spinal stenosis?

A medical condition called spinal stenosis affects the spine, an essential part of the body's central nervous system. It is characterised by a spinal canal narrowing that causes the spinal cord and nerve roots that pass through it to be compressed.  The lumbar (lower back) and cervical (neck) regions of the spine are where this narrowing most frequently occurs, though it can happen anywhere along the spine. A person's quality of life may be significantly impacted by a variety of symptoms brought on by the compression of the spinal cord and nerves, ranging in severity from mild to severe. For the patient's and the attending clinician's satisfaction, prompt diagnosis and appropriate treatment are necessary. What are the causes of spinal stenosis? Numerous conditions, such as spinal injuries, congenital anomalies, or degenerative changes in the spine, can result in spinal stenosis.  The most typical cause of spinal stenosis in older individuals is degenerative changes, suc

VITAMIN D - Uses, Side Effects, and More

what does vitamin mean? Vitamins can be considered organic compounds that must be consumed in small amounts to carry out specific biological functions for the regular maintenance of an organism's optimum growth and health. A vital component of the body's health and operation is the fat-soluble vitamin D, medically known as calciferol. This vitamin is crucial for supporting the immune system, promoting the development and maintenance of strong bones and teeth, and balancing the levels of calcium and phosphorus in the body. A healthy diet, exposure to the sun, and dietary supplements are all good ways to get enough vitamin D. Factors for lacking vitamin D Vitamin D deficiency is caused by inadequate sun exposure and a diet low in vitamin D. Strict vegetarians Severe alcohol addicts P eople with liver and kidney diseases People with fat malabsorption syndromes are among those who lack vitamin D. How vitamin D affects bones and muscles? The plasma levels of calcium and phosphate†in

What Is Cervical Spondylosis? - Spondylosis Treatments, Causes & Symptoms

In most cases, the term spondylosis refers to osteoarthritis that affects the spine, but it is also a term that can describe other conditions related to spinal degeneration. Cervical spondylosis is also called cervical osteoarthritis. It is a condition involving changes to the bones, discs, and joints of the neck. As a result of the degeneration of discs and other cartilage, spurs or abnormal growths called osteophytes may form on the bones in the neck.  These abnormal growths can cause narrowing of the interior of the spinal column or in the openings where spinal nerves exit, a related condition called cervical spinal stenosis. Cervical spondylosis causes The bones and protective cartilage in your neck are prone to wear and tear that can lead to cervical spondylosis. Possible causes of the condition include: Bone spurs These overgrowths of bone are the result of the body trying to grow extra bone to make the spine stronger. it is the result of excessive force loade

Exercises To Strengthen Your Lower Back

Are you ever feeling slouching? Or rubbing down your aching back *? Or wish you could more easily lift your child or a heavy suitcase? If so, chances are that you will have to work on your core strength. For everyone, the core strength is important, every day. It not only makes it easier to accomplish regular tasks and protect you against injury in general, but it also helps you to improve your posture and especially protect your back. That is where the new Anytime Fitness App's workout comes in! Get up, get more moving, and try these exercises to build lower back strength better. Exercise for Lower Back pain ! Back Extension  Exercise  Lie face down with your chest on the ball, your arms crossed over your upper chest, and your legs straight out behind.  Raise your chest up off the ball, coming to an upright position.  Do not to bounce up and down on the ball as you perform each rep. Quad Superman Exercise  Begin on all fours with both knees and hands on the floor. 1 – Raise one ar

How can an Indian physiotherapist migrate and work in Australia?

How to become a physiotherapist-Everything you need to know about becoming a physiotherapist in Australia from India To work as a physiotherapist in Australia, you need to apply for and be registered with the  PHYSIOTHERAPY BOARD OF AUSTRALIA . You may also need to apply for a visa issued by the Australian Department of Immigration and Border Protection ( AUSTRALIAN IMMIGRATION DEPARTMENT ). These two application processes are entirely separate and success in one does not automatically guarantee success in the other. Most overseas qualified physiotherapists need to have their qualifications assessed by the  AUSTRALIAN PHYSIOTHERAPY COUNCIL  to meet one of the eligibility requirements for General Registration. There are two assessment pathways for the purpose of General Registration available to overseas qualified physiotherapists: The Standard Assessment Pathway comprising of an Eligibility Assessment, a Written Assessment, and a Clinical Assessment. The Equivalence of Qualification Pa

What is Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness?

Have you ever wondered if the unbelievable pain you feel after a workout is a sign of a good workout or a sign that you've overdone it? The truth, however, lies somewhere in the middle.  While some fitness enthusiasts wear their soreness as a badge of honor, others rarely feel anything the next day. Both outcomes are perfectly normal and reasonable.  So, what exactly is it that causes this? Does it really make a difference? The answer is yes, but It is complicated, and there is a lot of Misconceptions about Delayed onset muscle Soreness . Here, we are Going to Discuss that. Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness The soreness you feel after a workout is called Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness, or DOMS for short. While discomfort is the most noticeable feature of DOMS, reduced motion range, joint stiffness, and decreased muscle strength are also common. DOMS affects some people immediately and lasts for days, while it affects others one to two days after a workout and is only temporary. ( We'