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Bad habits that make your weight loss worse.

You tried everything to shed weight, but on the weighing scale, the numbers just weren't dropping. Wonders what you're wrong with? While you need to focus on bigger things, it's the little everyday habits that often get into the way weight loss is achieved.

👉Giving cravings late at night or in the evening is the most common habit that comes in the way people lose weight. You might think a couple of bites are harmless, but they aren't. Several studies show that snacking in the late evening results in poor sleep and obesity. Ask yourself, before heading to the fridge, if you're really hungry or just want to mummy something because you're bored. If you're really hungry, make sure you only consume 100 to 150 calories that would take the edge away from hunger. Better yet, keeping the healthy snacks option is recommended if you're anxious about mumming or immediate hunger. Hold a pack of roasted food or something else near you to satisfy your snaking at the late night.

👉Consuming too much sugar unknowingly

One reason you can't shed kilos could be that you unintentionally consume too much sugar. Sugar in desserts isn't the only devil that you need to combat. What is shocking is that sugar is present in almost everything you eat. From white bread to rice, to salad dressing and ketchup, everything has surprising amounts of sugar. You need to carefully read the labels to ensure you don't eat too much sugar. If you are trying to lose weight, keep away from biscuits, cookies, chips, namkeen and other rich sources of sugar.Be careful also about the hidden names for sugar such as agave nectar, corn syrup, brown sugar, cane crystals, cane sugar, maize sweetener, high fructose maize syrup, fruit juice concentrate, glucose, honey, lactose, maltose, sucrose, and syrup, to name a few.

👉Not Sleeping Good

Sleeping alone does not cause you to lose weight, but a lack of proper sleep can seriously interfere with your weight-loss plan. Doing not get enough rest affects the metabolism. What's more, there is an increased appetite for sleep deprivation. Your body produces more ghrelin when you don't get enough sleep, a hormone that signals to the brain that you are hungry. This results in increased intake of foods high in fats and carbohydrates. Conversely, getting enough sleep allows your body to become more active.

👉Exercise Equilibrium

You need to understand the basic maths of calorie deficit to lose weight. You will only lose weight if you create a deficit in your body, that is, more calories are burned than you consume. You might stress consuming fewer calories throughout the day, but if you don't burn enough calories it won't be effective. Do not, however, consider exercising merely as a means of balancing calories. This is where the majority of people get it wrong by indulging in food, thinking you will burn it out later in the day. You need to eat well and to exercise well as to achieve good overall health. Remember, exercise is not a punishment for what you ate or will eat, but rather a means of feeling good about yourself and maintaining overall health.

👉Getting away with cheat meals

There's absolutely no harm in occasionally indulging in a cheat meal. Nevertheless, not being aware of portion sizes is an important reason why most people fail to achieve their goals for weight loss. If you crave a pizza or parantha, don't stop. But be aware of what portion you have. When you go overboard with the calories, go for a cheat meal instead of a cheat day. Have a reasonable portion of your favorite dish and then balance it for the rest of the day by eating right.
Remember, a temporary diet plan can't help you gain good health. Weight loss and good health come with a healthy lifestyle where you make the right choices about what you eat, what you're not eating and how much you're moving around.


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