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Showing posts with the label fitness

Classification of Ankle Sprains And Healing Process

An ankle Sprain is the commonest injury in the leg we have, Regardless of whether the lateral or medial ligaments are injured, the severity of an ankle sprain is typically placed into one of three grades based on the amount of ligamentous damaged or bruised. The degree of tissue damage, the amount of joint laxity, and the extent of dysfunction increase with each increase in grade. we can classify the ankle sprain into three grades : Grade I ankle sprains result in a stretching of the ligamentous fibers and are considered minor sprains. there is Stretching of ligaments, anterior talofibular ligament usually the one who gets stretched in an ankle sprain. there will be Point tenderness and Limited dysfunction. No laxity will be present at the joint. the patient will be able to bear full weight and Little to no edema will be there. Grade II ankle sprains result in partial tearing of the ligamentous fibers and are considered to be moderate sprains. there will be Part

What Is Active Exercise and its effect in Physiotherapy?

Definition Of Voluntary or Active Movement is Movement performed or controlled by the voluntary action of muscles, working in opposition to an external force. Classification Of Active Exercise Free Exercise:  The working muscles are subject only to the forces of gravity acting upon the part moved or stabilized. Assisted Exercise: When muscle strength or coordination is inadequate to perform a movement an external force is applied to compensate for the deficiency. Assisted - resisted Exercise: Muscles may be strong enough to work against resistance in part of the range and not in others. This type of exercise ensures that the external forces applied are adopted in every part of the range to the abilities of the muscles. Resisted Exercise: The forces of resistance offered to the action of the working muscles are artificially and systematically increased to develop the power and endurance of the muscles. Free exercises are performed by the patient's own muscular effo


A junction between 2 or more bones/cartilages is called a JOINT. Joint permits mobility and stability. A human skeletal has approximately more than 200 bones that are connected by joints. Also, joints help to form cavities like cranial, thoracic, abdominal & pelvic cavities. There are more joints in the child than in an adult because with age some bones fuse. CLASSIFICATION OF JOINTS: 1] STRUCTURAL CLASSIFICATION 1.Fibrous Joints -The bones are joined by fibrous tissue and these are mostly immovable or slightly movable joints. 3 Subtypes:- a) Sutures -They are present only in the “skull”. In this type, bones are connected by connective tissue called a sutural ligament. Fusion of bony components occurs later in life leading to the formation of bony union. In infants, there is an anatomical feature in the skull comprising soft membranous gaps called “FONTANELLE”. Eg: Suture between frontal & parietal bone, temporoparietal suture b) Syndesmosis In this type, bones are connected di

Bodyweight workout in just 25 minutes !

I'm always asked the questions as a Physiotherapist:  When is the best time to work out? Do I need to work out in the morning? Do I need to work out after work? Should I exercise outside the gym? Truth is, it depends on the person, really. But here are three reasons why it's a great option to fit in a 25 minute bodyweight workout that can be done anywhere.   Time It can be difficult to find the time to work out, but if you can find only 25 minutes in your day, you'll be in great shape! Life can get in the way and daily life is easy to prioritize over working out. I'm here to encourage you to work out your workout time, just 25 minutes is all that takes. Staying active far outweighs the cost of failing to make healthy happen.   Location  This one is important, I can write a whole blog post on why I think it's important to go to the gym, but the bottom line is this: what's important is working out – not where you do it. Se

Physical fitness & Physical therapy

Physical exercise may be used by physical therapists when dealing with either healthy individuals or with a variety of conditions. Physical therapists can be trained for aerobic exercise for people of all ages.  How does the Physical Therapist define FITNESS? Fitness is a general term used to describe physical work capacity. Cardiorespiratory control, muscle strength, and endurance, and musculoskeletal mobility are required to perform physical work. Also included in the definition of fitness is optimal body composition. In order to become physically fit, individuals must participate regularly in some form of physical activity that uses large muscle groups and challenges the cardio-respiratory system. Individuals of all ages can improve their overall fitness status by participating in activities such as walking, biking, running, swimming, climbing the stairs, cross-country skiing and/or weight training. Fitness levels can be described on a continuum from poor to hi