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How to Perform Quadriceps Setting (Quad Sets)?

Quadriceps Setting (Quad Sets) is common exercise to increase knee Extension. it is basically working on quadriceps muscles to make them work isometrically. How to perform? it is the easiest exercise. The patient position will be in Supine, sitting in a chair (with the heel on the floor) or long-sitting with the knee extended (or flexed a few degrees) but not hyperextended. Have the patient contract the quadriceps isometrically, causing the patella to glide proximally; then hold for a count of 10, and repeat. sometimes this exercise is also known as Quadriceps Strengthening Exercises or SQE (Static quadriceps Exercise). Quad sets help you build and maintain strength in the muscles on top of your thigh. With this action, you are "setting" these quadricep muscles by holding them tight. Use verbal cues for patients or athletes if they are not understanding the right method such as, “Try to push your knee back and tighten your thigh muscle” or “Try to tighten your thigh

Scoliosis Measurement with Cobb's Method

                     The Cobb Angle is Angle used as a standard measurement to determine and track the progression of scoliosis. it is a very Generalised and common method used by Physiotherapists now a day. Scoliosis of the vertebral column can be assessed with the Cobb's angle.                        Cobb's Angle suggests that the angle of curvature  can be measured by drawing lines parallel to the upper border of the upper Displaced vertebral body and the lower border of the lowest Displaced vertebra of the structural curve, then erecting perpendiculars from these lines to cross each other, the angle between these perpendiculars being the ‘angle of curvature’.                               In Above Images, Figures A and B are showing measuring Procedure for Scoliosis with the help of cobb's Angle. Figure B is showing implement of Cobb's Angle On X-Ray View. Sometimes  Hyperkyphosis  (it is a kyphotic angle) of greater than 40° commonly measured by


MONTEGGIA FRACTURE-DISLOCATION  is a fracture of the upper third of the ulna with dislocation of the head of the radius. It is caused by a fall on an outstretched hand.   It may also result from a direct blow on the back of the upper forearm during injury. MONTEGGIA FRACTURE-DISLOCATION ( XRAY) TYPES                      This Fracture is Classified into two main categories depending upon the angulation of the ulna fracture – extension and flexion type. The extension type is the commoner of the two, where the ulna fracture angulates anteriorly (extends) and the radial head dislocates anteriorly. The flexion type is where the ulna fracture angulates posteriorly (flexes) and the radial head dislocates posteriorly. DIAGNOSIS                     In a case with an isolated fracture of the ulna in its upper half, a dislocation of the head of the radius should be carefully looked for anteriorly dislocated head of the radius. TREATMENT                      This is a very unst

Characteristics of Open-Chain and Closed-Chain Exercises

The following definitions are informational and Represent characteristics of open- chain exercises  and closed-chain exercises . they are presented for understanding and for the discussion of open-chain exercises and closed-chain exercises described throughout this is also referred to as  kinetic exercise. Kinetic Exercise Refers to  body kinetic which is Representing the Kinematic changes occurring in rhythm in the body. Open-Chain Exercises Open-chain exercises involve motions in which the distal segment (hand or foot/the joint far from the joint where the movement is occurring) is free to move in space, without necessarily causing simultaneous motions at adjacent joints. Limb movement only occurs distal to the moving joint, and muscle activation occurs in the muscles that cross the moving joint.  For example, during knee flexion in an open-chain exercise. , the action of the hamstrings is independent of recruitment of other hip or ankle musculature in  k

Medial Elbow Tendinopathy (Golfer’s Elbow)

Golfer’s elbow, also known as medial epicondylitis , medial epicondylalgia , or medial epicondylosis, involves the common flexor/pronator tendon at the tenoperiosteal junction near the medial epicondyle. It is associated with repetitive movements into wrist flexion, such as swinging a golf club, pitching a ball, or work-related grasping, shuffling papers and lifting heavy objects. Concomitant ulnar neuropathy is often an associated finding.                                                    Positive tests of provocation include palpation tenderness on or near the medial epicondyle, pain with resisted wrist flexion performed with the elbow extended, and pain with passive wrist extension performed with the elbow extended. Etiology of Symptoms                      The most common cause of epicondylalgia is excessive repetitive use or eccentric strain of the wrist or forearm muscles. The result is microdamage and partial tears, usually near the musculotendinous junction when th

Lateral Elbow Tendinopathy (Tennis Elbow)

Tennis elbow is commonly called lateral epicondylitis, lateral epicondylalgia , or lateral epicondylitis depending on whether inflammation is present or not. Tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis) problems usually occur in persons 35 years of age or older and in those who use a great deal of wrist flexion and extension in their occupations or activities, requiring wrist stabilization in slight extension Symptoms include pain in the common wrist extensor tendons along the lateral epicondyle and HR joint with gripping activities. Activities requiring firm wrist stability, such as the backhand stroke in tennis, or repetitive work tasks that require repeated wrist extension, such as computer keyboarding or pulling weeds in a garden, can stress the musculotendinous unit and cause symptoms.                      The most frequent location of involvement is in the musculotendinous junction of the extensor carpi radialis brevis although the extensor communis is also involved in many pa

How Physiotherapist helps in COUGHING?

What is the Role of a physiotherapist in Coughing? An effective cough is necessary to  eliminate respiratory obstructions  and keep the  lungs clear.  Coughing is one of the most common  Lung Airway clearance technique  which is performed by a person acting with minor instruction by therapist or instructors. Airway clearance is an important part of the management of patients with acute or chronic respiratory conditions. A cough may be reflexive or voluntary. When a person coughs, a series of actions occur, we call it as An effective cough is necessary to  eliminate respiratory obstructions  and keep the  lungs clear.  Coughing is one of the most common  Lung Airway clearance technique  which is performed by a person acting with minor instruction by therapist or instructors. Airway clearance is an important part of the management of patients with acute or chronic respiratory conditions., it includes: 1. The patient inhales air by the nose ( Deep inspiration occurs ) 2. Air tra