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The two large muscles are together known as a calf muscle. Gastrocnemius Soleus 1. Gastrocnemius- It is the larger calf muscle forming the bulge of calf muscle which is visible beneath the skin . The two heads of the gastrocnemius muscle together create a diamond shape of the muscle. Origin- medial head: medial epicondyle of the femur lateral head: lateral epicondyle of the femur Insertion- calcaneus via tendo achillis Nerve supply -tibial nerve Blood supply- branch of popliteal artery anterior and posterior tibial artery Action- plantar flexion of the ankle or assist flexion of the knee Palpation-  the upper half of the posterior calf during active plantarflexion of ankle .tendon palpated as part of Achilles tendon. Gastro is the Greek term for “belly”.this muscle can act on the knee or the ankle separately but not simultaneously. Soleus It is a smaller calf muscle and it lies underneath the gastrocnemius muscle. Origin-  a sole line of the tibia, posterior head, and upper shaft

What is Muscle Contusion Or Bruise?

Athletes in contact sports have many chances of getting a muscle contusion (bruise). Contusions are second only to strains as a leading cause of injuries from sports. Most of the contusions are minor and heal fast, without taking the athlete out of the game. However, severe contusions can cause deep tissue damage and complications which may prevent an athlete from playing sports for months. What is the Difference between Muscle contusion or bruise? Contusions occur when a blunt object strikes a part of the body with a direct blow or repeated blows, crushing underlying muscle fibers and connective tissue without breaking the skin. The result of falling or jamming the body against a hard surface can be a contusion. Symptoms Swelling Pain Limitation in ROM Around injured Area Weakness in injured Muscle stiffness Sometimes Blood accumulation is present at the site of damage underlying complications like a fracture, dislocation of joint sprain torn muscle Abdominal contusion in sports cause

Exercise to perform at home in this Lock-down!

This epidemic has taught many positive things; one of them is that by staying at home during these days of lockdown, we can increase the immune power of our bodies. If we have strong immunity then we can easily guard against this epidemic. Lockdown does not mean you are stopping your workouts. You have to remember that not everything that aims to stay fit is a lockdown. Regular exercises offer untold advantages. It boosts your immune system, improves bone health, and reduces health risks such as heart problems, diabetes, and many more life-threatening diseases. With increasing family responsibilities and demanding jobs, exercise is taking a backseat in the list of priorities. Most of us are giving brilliant excuses for not doing regular exercises. The most common excuse one makes is being too busy. But you can take some time out of your hectic schedule, with proper planning, for your own future well-being. There's no doubt regular exercise is the best way to liv

Ways to Help your body this Summer !

Summertime is holidays for most of us. In this emergency time due to COVID-19 worldwide spred almost everyone is isolated and locked at home. Summer time is tough for everyone, even the tissues of our body. higher temperature is danger for any kind of protien, wether it si body protien or not. But getting fitter and toned up better is also the best time of the year. That summer body you've always wanted can be yours this time of year and you don't have to push yourself for it to the extreme. Here are five simple things to do to get you tighter, toned and happier. 🌊Drink a lot of water at home ! You tend to experience greater muscle wear and tear during the hotter months of the year. While that does not result in a nutritional deficiency, it also leads to a major water loss. Muscle cramps are very good indicators of low levels of hydration, and muscle tension with workouts. Make sure you drink enough water or fresh juices throughout and after your workout routine to a

What is Repetition Maximum ?

One method of measuring the effectiveness of a resistance exercise program and calculating an appropriate exercise load for training is to determine a repetition maximum. This term was first reported decades ago by DeLorme in his investigations of an approach to resistance training called progressive resistive exercise (PRE).  A repetition maximum (RM) is defined as the greatest amount of weight (load) a muscle can move through the full, available ROM with control a specific number of times before fatiguing. Use of a repetition maximum.  There are two main reasons for determining a repetition maximum: To document a baseline measurement of the dynamic strength of a muscle or muscle group against which exercise-induced improvements in strength can be compared, To identify an initial exercise load (amount of weight) to be used during exercise for a specified number of repetitions. DeLorme reported use of a 1-RM (the greatest amount of weight a subject can move through the availa

Straight leg Raises exercise

If you have a lower extremity injury or have had hip, knee, or ankle surgery, you may benefit from physical therapy to help you fully recover. Exercises may be prescribed to improve the mobility of your leg. The straight leg raise exercise is one of the physical therapy staples that can help improve your lower extremity strength and help improve your function related to walking. How to Perform SLR? 1. Sit or lie down on your back 2. Bend the knee of your non-affected leg to a 90-degree angle keeping your foot flat on the floor. 3. Tighten the muscles on your affected leg or straight leg by trying to contract your quadriceps muscles. 4. Keep your quadriceps muscles tightened, and then slowly lift the affected leg off the floor. it should be around in full range, approximately 15-18cm. it can be varied from patient to Patient. 5. hold the leg off. 6. slowly down the affected leg to the floor. 7. Relax and repeat. repetition may vary. ask your Physiotherapist for

PUSH UP | Exercise | Keep this things in MIND

The push up may just be the perfect exercise that builds both upper body and core strength if  Done properly, it is a compound exercise that uses muscles in the chest, shoulders, triceps, back, abs, and even the legs. A pushup uses your own body weight as resistance, working your upper body and core at the same time. A push-up (or press-up) is a common calisthenics exercise performed in a prone position by raising and lowering the body using the arms. Push-ups exercise the pectoral muscles, triceps, and anterior deltoids, with ancillary benefits to the rest of the deltoids, serratus anterior, coracobrachialis and the midsection as a whole. Push-ups are a basic exercise used in civilian athletic training or physical education and commonly in military physical training. They are also a common form of punishment used in the military, school sport, or in some martial arts disciplines. How To Perform PUSHUP? 1.  Lie on the floor face down and place your hands about 30-38 inches

Abdominal Crunches For Abdominal Muscles

Abdominal crunches primarily work on abdominal muscles and it is widely used as general body workout and abdominal muscles strengthening. How to Do Abdominal Crunches? 1. Lie down on the floor on your back and bend your knees, placing your hands behind your head or across your chest. Some people find that crossing the arms over the chest helps them avoid pulling on the neck. 2. If you are putting your hands behind your head, your fingers should gently cradle your head. The idea is to support your neck without taking away from the work of your abs. 3. Pull your belly button towards your spine in preparation for the movement.  4. Slowly contract your abdominals, bringing your shoulder blades about one or two inches off the floor. 5. Exhale as you come up and keep your neck straight, chin up. Imagine you're holding a tennis ball under your chin. That's about the angle you want to keep the chin the entire time. 6. Slowly lower back down. 7. Repetation

Aquatic Exercise

DEFINITION OF AQUATIC EXERCISE:  Aquatic exercise  refers to the use of water (in multi-depth immersion pools or tanks) that facilitates the application of established therapeutic interventions, including stretching, strengthening, joint mobilization, balance and gait training, and endurance training.  AQUATIC EXERCISE By Anand Vaghasiya [ Final Year BPT] DEFINITION OF AQUATIC EXERCISE  Aquatic exercise refers to the use of water (in multidepth immersion pools or tanks) that facilitates the application of established therapeutic interventions, including stretching, strengthening, joint mobilization, balance and gait training, and endurance training. The unique properties of the aquatic environment provide clinicians with treatment options that may otherwise be difficult or impossible to implement on land.  Using buoyant devices and varied depths of immersion the practitioner has flexibility in positioning the patient (supine, seated, kneeling, pro