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17 Anatomical Movements in Human Body

Flexion The movement that Reduces the angle between the articular surface and ending in nature. Example., Elbow flexion.    hyperflexion  is excessive flexion at a joint. Hyperextension injuries are common at hinge joints such as the knee or elbow. Extension Stretching movement and opposite to flexion which is Increase the angle between the articular surface. Example., Elbow Extension  Hyperextension  is the abnormal or excessive extension of a joint beyond its normal range of motion, thus resulting in injury. Abduction A movement where bony Segments move away from the midline.  Adduction A movement where bony Segments move towards the midline. Abduction  and  adduction  motions occur within the coronal plane and involve medial-lateral motions of the limbs, fingers, toes, or thumb. Abduction moves the limb laterally away from the midline of the body, while adduction is the opposing movement that brings the limb toward the body or across the midline. For example, abduction is raising th

What Infra-Red therapy in Physiotherapy? how it helps in pain Reduction?

Infrared radiation therapy is drug-free and non-invasive light-based technology in physiotherapy which provides a wide range of health benefits. It is an alternative treatment for healing acute to chronic pain and different other conditions of health. It's safer than ultraviolet rays, which can cause skin damage. Types of Infra-red Rays Generators  Non-Luminous Generator Luminous Generator Infrared rays are in an electromagnetic spectrum just above visible light, with a wavelength of 770 nm to 1 mm. These rays are relatively safe in the neonatal intensive care unit, as they are used to warm infants. In recent years IR therapy applications have moved on rapidly. For example, IR therapy was developed that does not actually require an external source of power, such as materials emitting IR, and garments that can be powered by body heat alone.  Another area of interest is the possible involvement of solar IR radiation as opposites sides of the coin in photoaging or photorejuvenation,

What is Cold or Cryo Therapy In Physiotherapy?

Cryotherapy, which literally means “ cold therapy ,” is a technique where the body is exposed to extremely cold temperatures for several minutes. The application of cold to the tissues after the injury is a practice as old as medicine itself.  Cryotherapy can be delivered to just one area, or you can opt for whole-body cryotherapy. Localized cryotherapy can be administered in several ways, including ice packs, ice massage, coolant sprays( instant evaporation of volatile fluids), ice baths, and even through probes administered into the tissue. often the skin temperature is being reduced as low as 10-degree Celcius. Ice therapy is used to Reduce pain, Reduce spasticity, Reduce muscle spasm, and Reduce swelling to promote the healing and repair process of tissue so that such a sensation can provide excitatory stimulus when muscles are inhibited. Principles of CRYOTHERAPY Cryotherapy works on the Principle of latent heat, which suggests that a specific amount of energy is required to ch

What is Interferential current Therapy in Physiotherapy?

IFT is one of the Pain Modulating Modalities which is clinically Proven and widely used by Physiotherapists to modulate pain. The word 'Interferential' suggests some sort of interference and this basis for the name of this current. Interferential currents (IFC) Therapy is two different kHz frequency alternating currents applied in a continuous rhythm. The currents have a slightly different frequency (for example, one might be 4000 Hz, the other 4050 Hz). The original interferential stimulators used sinusoidal AC at a frequency of 4 kHz. kHz frequencies make little difference whether the shape is sinusoidal, rectangular, or triangular. Interferential stimulators also offer the option of  'modulated interferential current' where the two slightly different frequency cur are combined within the stimulator and a current is applied Single pair of electrodes. IFT which is Representing the Name Interferential Current therapy is a highly recommended and practiced th

Thromboangiitis Obliterans (Buerger’s Disease) And Buerger or Buerger-Allen exercises

Thromboangitis obliterans is a chronic disease seen predominantly in young male patients who smoke; it involves an inflammatory reaction of the arteries to nicotine. Initially, it becomes evident in the small arteries of the feet and hands and progresses proximally.  It results in vasoconstriction, decreased arterial circulation to the extremities, ischemia, and eventual ulceration and necrosis of soft tissues. The inflammatory reaction and resulting signs and symptoms can be controlled if the patient stops smoking. PT(Physiotherapy) Management of Chronic Arterial Insufficiency Plan of Care maybe include, To teach the patient how to minimize or prevent potential impairments and correct functional impairments or limitations which currently affect functional capabilities.  Communicate with health professionals from other disciplines which are suitable for patient consultation.  Improve exercise tolerance for ADL, and reduce intermittent claudication incidence.  Reli

Exercise to perform at home in this Lock-down!

This epidemic has taught many positive things; one of them is that by staying at home during these days of lockdown, we can increase the immune power of our bodies. If we have strong immunity then we can easily guard against this epidemic. Lockdown does not mean you are stopping your workouts. You have to remember that not everything that aims to stay fit is a lockdown. Regular exercises offer untold advantages. It boosts your immune system, improves bone health, and reduces health risks such as heart problems, diabetes, and many more life-threatening diseases. With increasing family responsibilities and demanding jobs, exercise is taking a backseat in the list of priorities. Most of us are giving brilliant excuses for not doing regular exercises. The most common excuse one makes is being too busy. But you can take some time out of your hectic schedule, with proper planning, for your own future well-being. There's no doubt regular exercise is the best way to liv

Ways to Help your body this Summer !

Summertime is holidays for most of us. In this emergency time due to COVID-19 worldwide spred almost everyone is isolated and locked at home. Summer time is tough for everyone, even the tissues of our body. higher temperature is danger for any kind of protien, wether it si body protien or not. But getting fitter and toned up better is also the best time of the year. That summer body you've always wanted can be yours this time of year and you don't have to push yourself for it to the extreme. Here are five simple things to do to get you tighter, toned and happier. 🌊Drink a lot of water at home ! You tend to experience greater muscle wear and tear during the hotter months of the year. While that does not result in a nutritional deficiency, it also leads to a major water loss. Muscle cramps are very good indicators of low levels of hydration, and muscle tension with workouts. Make sure you drink enough water or fresh juices throughout and after your workout routine to a