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PCOS is one of the most complex medical condition around, and unfortunately it isn’t well understood. As a result, women with PCOS aren’t receiving the information that they need to take control of their lives. Instead, they are given the advice to "Just lose weight"  or to take birth control medication. WHAT IS PCOS? PCOS (Polycystic ovary syndrome) is a hormonal disorder common among women of reproductive age. It causes enlarged ovaries with small cysts on the outer edges. Women with PCOS may have infrequent or prolonged menstrual periods or excess Male hormone(Androgen) levels. Normally the ovaries make huge amount of female sex hormones and small amount of male sex hormones. This helps regulate normal development of egg in the ovaries during each menstrual cycle. In PCOS these hormones get imbalanced and they start making slightly more androgens (male hormones). This causes complete or partial stoppage of ovulation, acne, Hirsutism, and other symptoms.  In PCOS, eggs o

What is stretching? How to stretch properly ?

Stretching is a form of physical exercise   which helps you to increase flexibility in means of mobility-related to Muscle. A physiotherapist uses stretching as a manipulative technic to increase the flexibility of muscles.  What stretching actually does to your body?  Longer immobilization can result in contracture, and sometimes it becomes irreversible. so stretching helps to maintain and develop flexibility for a prolonged period of time. Is it OK to stretch every day?   Stretching works on the flexibility principle and it is totally okay to stretch every day, but at least you should know about proper stretching techniques and it should be done in the proper way. so that it becomes effective. Keep In Mind that doing hard stretches on the rough or uneven floors can damage your Muscle or can cause Pain in joints also. make sure that you are doing Stretching on a Yoga mat or Firm Surface that is Good for your body and Not causing any pain. What is Selective Stretching? Selective

What is Physiotherapy treatment ?

Physiotherapy is now an upcoming broad term in the medical field. Physiotherapy is a very vast field. Did you know there are many Branches of Physiotherapy ? What is physio? do you also have the same question in your mind then let's clear this all,   

Effect of Childbirth on the Pelvic Floor And Physical Therapy

Treatment of pelvic floor impairment has become more visible and accepted in the physical therapy community over the past 10 to 15 years. In 2010, the specialty area of Women’s Health was recognized on a national level at the Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA), at which 60 newly certified Women’s Health Clinical Specialists (WCS) were acknowledged for their achievements.  Advanced and in-depth study of anatomy, including internal muscle assessment, physiology, evaluation, and treatment, is highly recommended for therapists who specialize in this area.

How to start eating healthy?

Healthy nutrition is critical for your long-term survival. A well-balanced diet is essential to staying in shape. You'll feel very clear, balanced, and aware. If you start these healthy eating habits, you will learn to appreciate your body and prevent health problems. This is for those who have tried and failed to start eating healthily, or for those who simply don't know where to begin. #stayfitwithanand This, in my opinion, will be the most effective method to begin eating healthily and keep on track in the future. I'm going to show you a really simple, efficient technique to make this new healthy eating habit easy to adapt and sustain. When you decide to start eating healthier, the first thing you should do is list all of the good and nutritious meals you enjoy. It will be a lot simpler if you eat the foods you enjoy rather than trying a new diet or following someone else's meal plan when you don't like the stuff you're eating. I am Vegan, There are plenty of

What is Tension headache Or CERVICAL HEADACHE?

Headaches are a common complaint with impaired posture. chronic and recurrent headaches are diagnosed as cervical headaches and are related to musculoskeletal impairments. Often there is associated tension in the posterior cervical muscles , pain at the attachment of the cervical extensors, and/or pain radiating across the top and side of the scalp.

Boost Immunity at home with just this !

Fitness hype is recently blown. fitness is not a hard term. Its lifestyle is fitness and there is no other alternative to good health.  To have a proper diet plan and exercise you need to follow discipline. Since we are all aware that the Coronavirus spreads so rapidly all over the world. The issue of emergency health states the person with strong immunity will survive COVID19 . So it's essential to have lasting protection, and here we'll tell you about the immunity that will boost food that you should consume to build immunity. Feeding your body certain foods may help keep your immune system strong. Fruits and veggies are the most important part of Diet, but for especially immunity, I've found some boosters which I would like to share with you guys. which are as below,. 1. Citrus Food 👉 COVID19's commonest symptom is cold, cough, and fever. Hence, the food high in vitamin C, which are oranges, lemons, grapefruits, limes, must be consumed.  Y