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How to start eating healthy?

Healthy nutrition is critical for your long-term survival. A well-balanced diet is essential to staying in shape. You'll feel very clear, balanced, and aware. If you start these healthy eating habits, you will learn to appreciate your body and prevent health problems. This is for those who have tried and failed to start eating healthily, or for those who simply don't know where to begin. #stayfitwithanand This, in my opinion, will be the most effective method to begin eating healthily and keep on track in the future. I'm going to show you a really simple, efficient technique to make this new healthy eating habit easy to adapt and sustain. When you decide to start eating healthier, the first thing you should do is list all of the good and nutritious meals you enjoy. It will be a lot simpler if you eat the foods you enjoy rather than trying a new diet or following someone else's meal plan when you don't like the stuff you're eating. I am Vegan, There are plenty of

What is Tension headache Or CERVICAL HEADACHE?

Headaches are a common complaint with impaired posture. chronic and recurrent headaches are diagnosed as cervical headaches and are related to musculoskeletal impairments. Often there is associated tension in the posterior cervical muscles , pain at the attachment of the cervical extensors, and/or pain radiating across the top and side of the scalp.

Boost Immunity at home with just this !

Fitness hype is recently blown. fitness is not a hard term. Its lifestyle is fitness and there is no other alternative to good health.  To have a proper diet plan and exercise you need to follow discipline. Since we are all aware that the Coronavirus spreads so rapidly all over the world. The issue of emergency health states the person with strong immunity will survive COVID19 . So it's essential to have lasting protection, and here we'll tell you about the immunity that will boost food that you should consume to build immunity. Feeding your body certain foods may help keep your immune system strong. Fruits and veggies are the most important part of Diet, but for especially immunity, I've found some boosters which I would like to share with you guys. which are as below,. 1. Citrus Food 👉 COVID19's commonest symptom is cold, cough, and fever. Hence, the food high in vitamin C, which are oranges, lemons, grapefruits, limes, must be consumed.  Y

Why Apple Watch is the ultimate device for a healthy life.

Apple Watch can do what your other devices can’t because it’s on your wrist. When you wear it, you get a fitness partner that measures all the ways you move, meaningful health insights, and a connection to the people and things you care about most. And it’s always just a glance away. 

Physiotherapy In Sinusitis

Difficulty breathing through your nose in cold weather, Nasal inflammation, Thick, discolored discharge from the nose, Drainage down the back of the throat (postnasal drainage), Nasal obstruction or congestion, causing Pain, tenderness, and swelling around your eyes, cheeks, nose or forehead, Reduced sense of smell and taste these all are Common Symptoms of Sinusitis. Inflammation of the sinuses of your face is sinusitis. It can be acute(recent) or chronic( From a prolonged Period of time).when the spaces inside your nose and head (sinuses) are swollen and inflamed for three months or longer, despite treatment is called Chronic Sinusitis. Although irritating and painful, without medical attention, sinusitis always goes away. However, a person should contact their doctor if the symptoms are serious and permanent. The triggers may be infectious, bacterial, or even fungal, but as the stimulus, most individuals have some form of irritant. The largest source of sinus issues is smoke and ot

Human heart and how to keep it healthy?

One of the Most Important Organs is Heart in our human body, one of my relatives asked me one time, Is it possible to remove the plaque formed in the branch vessels of the heart muscles? 

What is Fixator Muscles ?

What is Fixator Muscle?  What is a fixator muscle definition? Fixators are the muscle,   The muscle which fixes the attachments of the agonists, antagonists, and synergists.  What is an example of a fixator muscle? In the human body, we have so many examples of fixator muscles.